Oh bother. Get out the sad bastard meter. Do I really have to say something negative about “Christopher Robin,” a Winnie the Pooh movie of all things? How miserable of a human being do I have to be to not see Marc Forster’s film as precious, cute and adorable?
It is those things, but it’s also maudlin and looks like a parody of a Terence Malick movie and would’ve been delightful if it was say, 70 minutes long instead of pushing two hours.
Far be it from me to say that you can’t have a wonderful movie about a beloved, talking CGI bear. Go see the “Paddington” movies. In fact, someone asked me as I sighed my disappointment with “Christopher Robin,” didn’t you grow up with Winnie the Pooh?
Well of course I did. Everyone did. The character is over 90 freaking years old. This is as surefire of a nostalgia play as Disney could’ve hoped for. So it’s perplexing that at times “Christopher Robin” feels like it’s a movie for no one in particular. Continue reading “Christopher Robin”