As I’m writing this, a huge swath of the Internet has attempted to gaslight the entire country into believing that “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is a bad movie. Countless fanboys and dude bros have spent enough time decrying this movie as a failure and the movie that killed the franchise that if you admit you actually like or even love “The Last Jedi,” you won’t escape all the outraged haters letting you know how wrong you are. Preferring “Rogue One” or Baby Yoda are just the norm now.
The 2010s were the Twitter Decade, where every discussion about politics, sports or pop culture was filtered through what a bunch of people who spend way too much time online are saying about it. Anything that tried to be sincere was dead on arrival, and movies were judged based on how many memes or gifs they generated and how they seeped into the “cultural conversation” that is toxic Internet discourse.
So when I sat down to make my list of the 10 Best Movies of the Decade, I really had to step outside myself and figure out, “What do I actually think about these movies?” Not “what did they say about this decade” or “how important were they?” I tried not to care what the Reddit mob thinks. But of course, I didn’t have time to rewatch many of the movies I’ve loved and remembered over the last 10 years, so this list is as unfiltered as I can be.
Also, if you don’t feel like reading, please check out this podcast I recorded going over my Top 10 films. Zach Dennis and I got the band back together for a special reunion podcast of The News Reel, which you can listen to below.