Celeste and Jesse Forever

Romance and friendship are two different things. Just ask any of the girls who have rejected me over the years. They would agree that there isn’t much of a romance to root for in “Celeste and Jesse Forever,” least of all when the title characters are as wishy-washy and condescending as this.

Celeste and Jesse’s (Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg) clever charade is that although they’ve been maritally separated for six months, they still hang out together as best friends. They’re the kind of couple that’s so good together that they become insufferable around other people. They should be brother and sister, or they should have one of those couple pet names. Maybe Jeleste.

Jeleste rattle off hipster-y dialogue while they’re together and enjoy condescending and judging about nitpicky social faux-pas like cutting in line at the coffee shop or about talentless tween pop stars while still acting too cool for vegan food.

Their problems as a couple are quite simply that Celeste has a job and Jesse doesn’t. He starts dating and getting his act together, and she implodes very quickly.

But it doesn’t get deeper than that, nor does the film give us real opportunities to understand why they should work as a couple. They have great chemistry, and they can get drunk and have makeout sessions, but no discernible problems or emotions are brought to the surface. It ignores the issue that all their friends’ lives revolve around talking Jeleste’s relationship and that maybe it’s this self-centered, entitled attitude that’s creating problems for the pair of them at home.

Rashida Jones is the type of actress who can be likeable even when acting like she’s better than you, so in writing the part for herself, she helps put Celeste in a good light. But I wish the limelight veered more to the surprisingly deep pop star Riley Banks (Emma Roberts), to Celeste’s colleague and more than a gay friend Scott (Elijah Wood) or to Celeste’s new boyfriend Paul (Chris Messina).

“Celeste and Jesse Forever” is a movie that was nice to get to know, but I think we’d be better off just as friends.

2.5 stars

The Muppets (2011)

2011’s “The Muppets” is bursting from the seams with self-aware cameos and nostalgia.

2011 was the year of nostalgia, and for college-aged students like myself there was no movie more nostalgic than “The Muppets.”

And even though the movie is notoriously self-aware, in awe of its own nostalgia and acts as a love letter to a group of fans I do not subscribe to (I have a much greater penchant for “Sesame Street’s” Grover), “The Muppets” is the sort of insanely irreverent, goofy and goodhearted movie that belongs in our pop culture lexicon.

They also deserve to be performers at the Oscars, even though that’s for sure not happening. “The Muppets” has the sort of random, viral video presentation that would make it perfect for an awards ceremony. Continue reading “The Muppets (2011)”

Our Idiot Brother


A leading man who would use the expression “geez louise” over the F-word is foreign to us in the movies. “Our Idiot Brother’s” Ned proves a character doesn’t have to be a silly man-child to be free of cynicism, snark, bitterness and charm.

Discovering Ned’s ability to survive in the real world (and similarly in the movies) of negativity and deceit is the appeal of this loving and warm indie comedy. That’s because “Our Idiot Brother” is not a film of Ned’s growth but of his sisters. Continue reading “Our Idiot Brother”